The Pope visit the house-museum of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
The Pope in Palermo for the XXV Anniversary of martyrdom of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
Wooden statue of Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
Made by artists of Bolzano, presented to the public and blessed May 26, 2013
Medallion in bronze
It indicates the point where Father Pino Puglisi was killed for criminal hands
Some photos in the living room of the house-museum, where Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi lived
Vestments inside closet of Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
The house-museum keeps the closet in the bedroom of Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi with his vestments
Photo exhibition on visit of the Pope at the house-museum

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Thank you for visiting website of the house museum of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi!

Classroom "Nicolò Puglisi" is a meeting site for everyone wants to study in deep the figure of father Giuseppe Puglisi. It is locate on the second floor and was inaugurated in 14th september 2018 on the occasion of the XXVI anniversary of martyrdom of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi.


  • n. 2 bathrooms
  • n. 1 exhibition room
  • n. 50 seats
  • n. 1 kitchen
  • coat hanger
  • air conditioning


  • video projection system
  • sound system


Virtual tour

Dear user, if you want to do the virtual tour, you have to register. After registration, select menu item "virtual tour" in User Menu.

The places of the blessed giuseppe puglisi

Se volete visitare i luoghi del Beato Giuseppe Puglisi e pianificare la vostra permanenza a Palermo, visitando anche altri luoghi della legalità o aggiungendo al vostro soggiorno visite culturali, l'agenzia Cinquegrani Viaggi e Turismo, che da anni collabora con noi, sarà a tua completa disposizione per una soluzione ideale alle tue esigenze, considerando che per tutto il tour sarai affiancato da un accompagnatore turistico. Attraverso il "modulo contatto" della scheda RICHIEDI INFO puoi contattare direttamente l'agenzia.

house museum

On May 25th, 2014 the house-museum of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi was inaugurated and blessed. This was his house till the 15th of September 1993, when he was killed by the mafia. Inside the house there are most of the Giuseppe Puglisi’s belongings, such as books, the original furniture, clothing, liturgical vestments and other memories that were kept and guarded by the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi’s family.
The house-museum visit will give you the opportunity to give a close look to the way of living of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi. The simplicity and the sobriety of what is shown in the house-museum helps us to understand the choice of living in poverty and the “functional” relationship he had with the objects, especially his predilection for books; indeed, more than 6’000 books were found, most of which are have been donated to the Diocesan Seminary of Palermo.

Centro di Accoglienza Padre Nostro

The CPN is an association founded in 1991 and inaugurated in 1993 in the district of Brancaccio (Palermo). The identity and history of the CPN are strongly linked to the memory of his founder: the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi. He was priest in Brancaccio till 1993, when he was killed by the mafia.
Visiting the CPN is a unique opportunity to see the today’s work of the volunteers and operators that carry on the work started by the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi in the difficult neighbourhood of Brancaccio.

Sport Center

The inauguration of the “Padre Pino Puglisi e Padre Massimiliano Kolbe” Sport Center makes real of the dreams of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi. He developed the idea to create the Sport Center in order to let the children of Brancaccio have a place to play and avoid staying by the street. The 6’000 square meter area of the Sport Center, built in Brancaccio, hosts a playground, a volleyball/basketball court, a soccer/tennis field and a bowling alley.

Aggregative center for the elderly

The ACE was inaugurated and blessed by the Archbishop of Palermo, Mons. Corrado Lorefice. The structure is located in via San Ciro 6 in Brancaccio.

San Gaetano's Church

The Church of San Gaetano is the parish where the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi celebrated the Holy Mass and is located few meters from the CPN.

Cathedral of Palermo

The remains of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi are hosted inside the Cathedral of Palermo. On April 15th, 2013 the mortal remains of the Blessed, which used to be in the cemetery of S. Orsola (Palermo), were moved to the Cathedral.

Cinquegrani Viaggi e Turismo

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The House-Museum

Dear friends, May 25th, 2014, on the first anniversary of Father Giuseppe Puglisi’s beatification, we have inaugurated and blessed the house where he lived from 1969 to 1993 (except when he lived at 338 Dante street and was priest in Godrano, 1970-1978), at Anita Garibaldi square in Palermo, where he was killed by mafia. For the Center Our Father, socially active more than 20 years keeping alive the memory of its founder, purchase and renovation of his house was an important aim, to transform Anita Garibaldi square from parking car into symbolic place of the universal values embodied by Blessed.
Today the apartment is a museum-house, a term that does not refer to the static nature of a place to contemplate and to preserve intact, but to a space to live fully, to meet up, to grow in faith. We intended, in this way, recover the sense of the House as a special place where the family lives, relate to and welcomes the loved ones.

Inside the house you will find books, furniture, objects, garments, liturgical vestments and memories, which belonged to Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi and his parents, who were kept by his family and now returned to their original location. All this allows you to touch 3P’s lifestyle: the simplicity and sobriety of the contents in the House help us to understand the choice to live in poverty, the "functional" relationship he had with the objects and the fondness that, instead, he had for books. About 6000 books was found, which were transferred to the diocesan seminary, but the family had preserved the texts that you find inside the apartment. On May 25 last year the Center Our Father has delivered to the cult of the pilgrims the place of life and death of Blessed Pino Puglisi, a place of martyrdom tied to your personal relationship with Jesus, seen as the most valuable in your own life. To visit this place, full of meaning, you can contact the Center Our Father, by phone or by email.

In the house-museum in the square believers, priests and their communities can pray and who recognize in himself the value of human dignity can visit a place that is alive and vital symbol.
We are waiting for you!

Maurizio Artale

The house museum 3D

Pino Puglisi was a priest . His death, his martyrdoom is etymologically witness of his being a real Christian. So we can understand his house as a museum through his being a priest. We may associate any room to the characteristic properties of his priestly vocation. Following the path, inside the house, we can meet three motives:

  • To meet up with others - His dining room: the mission of the blessed Puglisi, was in any various aspects, to be near to young people, to anyone who was in need.;
  • to study - his library home-office: the education of the Blessed Puglisi was the instrument of his mission;
  • to pray - his bedroom: the faith of the blessed Puglisi cherished by the continuous search of the dialogue with God.

Each one of these motives tell us a side of His life at home but also in public . A special device was made to explain people His history in the museum.

living room Realized by Fine Art

Consulting room Realized by Fine Art

La camera da letto Realized by Fine Art

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The house-museum

the house-museum

The rooms of the house-museum: living room, consulting room and badroom.





Opening hours

Opening hours

How to visit the house-museum.




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If you want to visit the places of Blessed Puglisi and plane your time in Palermo, contact Cinquegrani Viaggi e Turismo.

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Visit the classroom "Nicolò Puglisi" inaugurated in 14th september 2018.


Virtual Tour

Virtual tour

The virtual tour of the house-museum.

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