The Pope visit the house-museum of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
The Pope in Palermo for the XXV Anniversary of martyrdom of the Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
Wooden statue of Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
Made by artists of Bolzano, presented to the public and blessed May 26, 2013
Medallion in bronze
It indicates the point where Father Pino Puglisi was killed for criminal hands
Some photos in the living room of the house-museum, where Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi lived
Vestments inside closet of Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi
The house-museum keeps the closet in the bedroom of Blessed Giuseppe Puglisi with his vestments
Photo exhibition on visit of the Pope at the house-museum

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The house-museum

the house-museum

The rooms of the house-museum: living room, consulting room and badroom.





Opening hours

Opening hours

How to visit the house-museum.




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Visit the Blessed Puglisi's places

Visit the Blessed Puglisi's places

If you want to visit the places of Blessed Puglisi and plane your time in Palermo, contact Cinquegrani Viaggi e Turismo.

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Visit the classroom "Nicolò Puglisi" inaugurated in 14th september 2018.


Virtual Tour

Virtual tour

The virtual tour of the house-museum.

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